Source code for bok_choy.query

Tools for interacting with the DOM inside a browser.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging

from copy import copy
from collections import Sequence
from itertools import islice
from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException
import six
from bok_choy.promise import Promise

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Mapping of query type to Selenium webdriver query method names
    'css': 'find_elements_by_css_selector',
    'xpath': 'find_elements_by_xpath',

[docs]def no_error(func): """ Decorator to create a `Promise` check function that is satisfied only when `func` executes without a Selenium error. This protects against many common test failures due to timing issues. For example, accessing an element after it has been modified by JavaScript ordinarily results in a `StaleElementException`. Methods decorated with `no_error` will simply retry if that happens, which makes tests more robust. Args: func (callable): The function to execute, with retries if an error occurs. Returns: Decorated function """ def _inner(*args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring try: return_val = func(*args, **kwargs) except WebDriverException: LOGGER.warning(u'Exception ignored during retry loop:', exc_info=True) return False, None else: return True, return_val return _inner
[docs]class Query(Sequence): """ General mechanism for selecting and transforming values. """ def __init__(self, seed_fn, desc=None): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called """ Configure the `Query`. Args: seed_fn (callable): Callable with no arguments that produces a list of values. Keyword Args: desc (str): A description of the query, used in log messages. If not provided, defaults to the name of the seed function. Returns: Query """ if desc is None: desc = u'Query({})'.format(getattr(seed_fn, '__name__', '')) self.seed_fn = seed_fn self.transforms = [] self.desc_stack = [] self.desc = desc
[docs] def replace(self, **kwargs): """ Return a copy of this `Query`, but with attributes specified as keyword arguments replaced by the keyword values. Keyword Args: Attributes/values to replace in the copy. Returns: A copy of the query that has its attributes updated with the specified values. Raises: TypeError: The `Query` does not have the specified attribute. """ clone = copy(self) clone.transforms = list(clone.transforms) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if not hasattr(clone, key): raise TypeError('replace() got an unexpected keyword argument {!r}'.format(key)) setattr(clone, key, value) return clone
[docs] def transform(self, transform, desc=None): """ Create a copy of this query, transformed by `transform`. Args: transform (callable): Callable that takes an iterable of values and returns an iterable of transformed values. Keyword Args: desc (str): A description of the transform, to use in log messages. Defaults to the name of the `transform` function. Returns: Query """ if desc is None: desc = u'transform({})'.format(getattr(transform, '__name__', '')) return self.replace( transforms=self.transforms + [transform], desc_stack=self.desc_stack + [desc] )
[docs] def map(self, map_fn, desc=None): """ Return a copy of this query, with the values mapped through `map_fn`. Args: map_fn (callable): A callable that takes a single argument and returns a new value. Keyword Args: desc (str): A description of the mapping transform, for use in log message. Defaults to the name of the map function. Returns: Query """ if desc is None: desc = getattr(map_fn, '__name__', '') desc = u'map({})'.format(desc) return self.transform(lambda xs: (map_fn(x) for x in xs), desc=desc)
[docs] def filter(self, filter_fn=None, desc=None, **kwargs): """ Return a copy of this query, with some values removed. Example usages: .. code:: python # Returns a query that matches even numbers q.filter(filter_fn=lambda x: x % 2) # Returns a query that matches elements with el.description == "foo" q.filter(description="foo") Keyword Args: filter_fn (callable): If specified, a function that accepts one argument (the element) and returns a boolean indicating whether to include that element in the results. kwargs: Specify attribute values that an element must have to be included in the results. desc (str): A description of the filter, for use in log messages. Defaults to the name of the filter function or attribute. Raises: TypeError: neither or both of `filter_fn` and `kwargs` are provided. """ if filter_fn is not None and kwargs: raise TypeError('Must supply either a filter_fn or attribute filter parameters to filter(), but not both.') if filter_fn is None and not kwargs: raise TypeError('Must supply one of filter_fn or one or more attribute filter parameters to filter().') if desc is None: if filter_fn is not None: desc = getattr(filter_fn, '__name__', '') elif kwargs: desc = u", ".join([u"{}={!r}".format(key, value) for key, value in kwargs.items()]) desc = u"filter({})".format(desc) if kwargs: def filter_fn(elem): # pylint: disable=function-redefined, missing-docstring return all( getattr(elem, filter_key) == filter_value for filter_key, filter_value in kwargs.items() ) return self.transform(lambda xs: (x for x in xs if filter_fn(x)), desc=desc)
def _execute(self): """ Run the query, generating data from the `seed_fn` and performing transforms on the results. """ data = self.seed_fn() for transform in self.transforms: data = transform(data) return list(data)
[docs] def execute(self, try_limit=5, try_interval=0.5, timeout=30): """ Execute this query, retrying based on the supplied parameters. Keyword Args: try_limit (int): The number of times to retry the query. try_interval (float): The number of seconds to wait between each try (float). timeout (float): The maximum number of seconds to spend retrying (float). Returns: The transformed results of the query. Raises: BrokenPromise: The query did not execute without a Selenium error after one or more attempts. """ return Promise( no_error(self._execute), u"Executing {!r}".format(self), try_limit=try_limit, try_interval=try_interval, timeout=timeout, ).fulfill()
@property def results(self): """ A list of the results of the query, which are cached. If you call `results` multiple times on the same query, you will always get the same results. Use `reset()` to clear the cache and re-run the query. Returns: The results from executing the query. """ return self.execute() def __getitem__(self, key): return self.results[key] def __len__(self): return len(self.results)
[docs] def is_present(self): """ Check whether the query returns any results. Returns: Boolean indicating whether the query contains any results. """ return bool(self.results)
present = property(is_present) @property def first(self): """ Return a Query that selects only the first element of this Query. If no elements are available, returns a query with no results. Example usage: .. code:: python >> q = Query(lambda: list(range(5))) >> q.first.results [0] Returns: Query """ def _transform(xs): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring, invalid-name try: return [] except StopIteration: return [] return self.transform(_transform, 'first')
[docs] def nth(self, index): """ Return a query that selects the element at `index` (starts from 0). If no elements are available, returns a query with no results. Example usage: .. code:: python >> q = Query(lambda: list(range(5))) >> q.nth(2).results [2] Args: index (int): The index of the element to select (starts from 0) Returns: Query """ def _transform(xs): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring, invalid-name try: return [next(islice(iter(xs), index, None))] # Gracefully handle (a) running out of elements, and (b) negative indices except (StopIteration, ValueError): return [] return self.transform(_transform, 'nth')
def __repr__(self): return u".".join([self.desc] + self.desc_stack)
[docs]class BrowserQuery(Query): """ A Query that operates on a browser. """ def __init__(self, browser, **kwargs): """ Generate a query over a browser. Args: browser (selenium.webdriver): A Selenium-controlled browser. Keyword Args: css (str): A CSS selector. xpath (str): An XPath selector. Returns: BrowserQuery Raises: TypeError: The query must be passed either a CSS or XPath selector, but not both. """ if len(kwargs) > 1: raise TypeError('BrowserQuery() takes at most 1 keyword argument.') if not kwargs: raise TypeError('Must pass a query keyword argument to BrowserQuery().') query_name, query_value = list(kwargs.items())[0] if query_name not in QUERY_TYPES: raise TypeError('{} is not a supported query type for BrowserQuery()'.format(query_name)) def query_fn(): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring return getattr(browser, QUERY_TYPES[query_name])(query_value) super(BrowserQuery, self).__init__( query_fn, desc=u"BrowserQuery({}={!r})".format(query_name, query_value), ) self.browser = browser
[docs] def attrs(self, attribute_name): """ Retrieve HTML attribute values from the elements matched by the query. Example usage: .. code:: python # Assume that the query matches html elements: # <div class="foo"> and <div class="bar"> >> q.attrs('class') ['foo', 'bar'] Args: attribute_name (str): The name of the attribute values to retrieve. Returns: A list of attribute values for `attribute_name`. """ desc = 'attrs({!r})'.format(attribute_name) return el: el.get_attribute(attribute_name), desc).results
@property def text(self): """ Retrieve text from each matched element. Example usage: .. code:: python # Assume that the query matches html elements: # <div>Foo</div> and <div>Bar</div> >> q.text ['Foo', 'Bar'] Returns: The text of each element matched by the query. """ return el: el.text, 'text').results @property def html(self): """ Retrieve the inner HTML of each element matched by the query. Example usage: .. code:: python # Assume that the query matches html elements: # <div><span>Foo</span></div> and <div>Bar</div> >> q.html ['<span>Foo</span>', 'Bar'] Returns: The inner HTML for each element matched by the query. """ return el: el.get_attribute('innerHTML'), 'html').results @property def selected(self): """ Check whether all the matched elements are selected. Returns: bool """ query_results = el: el.is_selected(), 'selected').results if query_results: return all(query_results) return False @property def visible(self): """ Check whether all matched elements are visible. Returns: bool """ query_results = el: el.is_displayed(), 'visible').results if query_results: return all(query_results) return False @property def invisible(self): """ Check whether all matched elements are present, but not visible. Returns: bool """ return self.present and not self.visible
[docs] def is_focused(self): """ Checks that *at least one* matched element is focused. More specifically, it checks whether the element is document.activeElement. If no matching element is focused, this returns `False`. Returns: bool """ active_el = self.browser.execute_script("return document.activeElement") query_results = el: el == active_el, 'focused').results if query_results: return any(query_results) return False
focused = property(is_focused)
[docs] def click(self): """ Click each matched element. Example usage: .. code:: python # Click the first element matched by the query Returns: None """ el:, 'click()').execute()
[docs] def fill(self, text): """ Set the text value of each matched element to `text`. Example usage: .. code:: python # Set the text of the first element matched by the query to "Foo" q.first.fill('Foo') Args: text (str): The text used to fill the element (usually a text field or text area). Returns: None """ def _fill(elem): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring elem.clear() elem.send_keys(text), 'fill({!r})'.format(text)).execute()